Diablo 3 reaper of souls hellfire amulet
Diablo 3 reaper of souls hellfire amulet

diablo 3 reaper of souls hellfire amulet

Perma-Stubble: His portrait shows he has some.

diablo 3 reaper of souls hellfire amulet diablo 3 reaper of souls hellfire amulet

Knight in Shining Armor: Until his forced Face–Heel Turn.The Kingslayer: Killed Leoric after he was risen as the Skeleton King.In the Hood: As the Dark Wanderer in II.Heroes Prefer Swords: He starts off using one anyways.Try and compare his handsome appearance in the portrait to his appearance in the Diablo II cinematics. Evil Makes You Ugly: Following the jamming of the soulstone into his head and Diablo beginning to try and take over, he becomes a broken shell of himself, both in spirit and appearance.He eventually loses just as he is about to reach Baal. Demonic Possession: Possessed by Diablo in Diablo II, though he keeps fighting a vain battle against Diablo's influence.Gameplay-wise, all the three classes could use spell scrolls. His name is later revealed in Diablo III to be Aidan and is also revealed to have actually been King Leoric's eldest son. In the end the Warrior was able to defeat Diablo, but his fatal error was his decision to try and forever seal him away within his own body by plunging the soulstone into his head. A warrior who served in the Mad King Leoric's campaign against the neighboring nation of Westmarch, when this man returned from service he found his beloved homeland cursed and set out to vanquish the source of the impending demonic invasion.

Diablo 3 reaper of souls hellfire amulet